Deliverables 🌟
Deepal: More than just remote start—it's your car's smart, musical heart!

One Organized Platform


This platform offers a vibrant community for enthusiasts and remote vehicle control. Users can create and share episodes, listen to others', and discover both official and unofficial local car meets and activities.


Remote Comtrol


Wake up with a warm car in winter! Access to remote control of various car functions, including pre-heating, ambient lighting, trip tracking and vehicle positioning.


Emotional Support


Create your own music and vibe in the car to match your mood with our AI! Make your journey in the car an enjoyable experience, even in a traffic jam.

Project Timeline -->
Problem Scope
Changan Group's Deepal is on a mission to transform China's mid-end electric vehicle (EV) market. Currently in the midst of product development, our project focuses on developing a strategic design approach for the brand, accompanied by a suite of interaction design solutions for its website, mobile app, and vehicle interface.

I am tasked with the mobile app design, actively contributing to the development of the overarching design strategy.
My Role
Product Designer
(Mobile App)
Project Type
Business Team Project
Sponsored by Changan Auto
2 months (2022)
Tools Used
Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Protopie
Market Analysis & Brand Mission (Teamwork)
By the end of 2021 in China,
over 40 million 18-24-year-olds held driving licenses, yet 75% of them didn't own a car,
and 70.4% plan to buy one within 5 years, which leads to a market segment of more than 10 billion
Insights about the industry & market in 2022:
⏺ Market Dominanted by Leading Companies
⏺ The Market Size Continuously Expand
⏺ Importance of Brand Strategy
⏺ Mission of Brand Transformation to Mid-High End Market
Competitive Analysis
Where Are The Possibilities? (Teamwork)
What Is Our Strength? (Teamwork)
Exclusive Extended-Range Model at ¥200,000 market segment
The SL03 fills the void in the ¥200,000 sedan market with its extended-range model boasting a 1200 km range, standing out in its category.
Remote Heating and Temperature Control Function
The SL03 introduces micro high-frequency pulse heating, a global innovation, allowing remote winter car starts via smartphones.
Vibrant Ambient Lighting
The SL03 features ambient door lighting, adopting a human-centered design that adjusts to the environment, offering a unique, immersive driving experience.
Gen 1 - Design Question
How can we leverage emerging technologies                                            --> How 
to enhance the commuting experience  
                                  --> When & Where
for 20-30 year-olds,                                                                                         --> Who
thereby strengthening our brand identity?                                                   --> Why
Surveys & Interviews (Teamwork)
Affinity Diagram (Teamwork)
Opportunity Insights (Teamwork)
Utilization of Idle Time:
Designing App features that provide entertainment or productivity tools to engage users during traffic congestion and transform wasted time into valuable or enjoyable moments.
Leisure Enhancement:
Develop features that change the space into a private and enjoyable base by using music, ambient lighting and fragrance.
Remote Vehicle Control:
Offering mobile app features that allow for remote control of various car functions, including pre-heating, ambient lighting, trip tracking and vehicle positioning.
Community Building:
Develop a decentralized community platform within the App that encourages user creation, fosters interactions through random social connections, and organizes car enthusiast events for community engagement.
Gen 1I - Triangulated Design Question
How can we use entertainment tech such as music and lighting                       --> How 
to help release stress, enjoy spare time and get engaged 
                 --> When & What
for 20–30-year-old daily commutors,                                                                           --> Who
while commuting                                                                                                   --> When & Where   
thereby strengthening our brand identity?                                                                      --> Why
Design Strategy (Teamwork)
Cutting-Edge Tech on a
Journey with You
Not Only a Ride, But a Co-Creative Tide
Brand Identity
Graphic Standard
Framing & Lo-fi Prototype & Iteration
Hi-fi Deliverables 🌟

One Organized Platform


This platform offers a vibrant community for enthusiasts and remote vehicle control. Users can create and share episodes, listen to others', and discover both official and unofficial local car meets and activities.


Remote Comtrol


Wake up with a warm car in winter! Access to remote control of various car functions, including pre-heating, ambient lighting, trip tracking and vehicle positioning.


Emotional Support


Create your own music and vibe in the car to match your mood with our AI! Make your journey in the car an enjoyable experience, even in a traffic jam.

The Changan project manager highly marked this project. However, it couldn't enter the bidding process as it was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Reflection - Progressiveness 🌟
Integration of multi-channel information resources
Aside from basic info channels like pop media, articles and experts, I assembled my experience and info channel in stock analysis, which greatly accelerated the secondary research process both qualitative and quantitative data.
New ideas from edge tech and team discussions
We drew inspiration for AI music from a recently unveiled music model demo in 2022. Given that our design strategy spans 3 to 5 years, we aim to offer the latest experiences and surpass the limitations of the traditional in-car space.
Seamless Team Collaboration
I worked closely with a fellow UI/UX designer focused on in-car displays. Our daily 30-minute briefings with each other and our department manager ensured efficient communication and kept our project on track.
Reflection - Limitation 🧐
Limited user feedback for further iteration
The project shut down pre-bid due to a 3-month quarantine, cutting short our chance to gather extensive customer feedback on the new features. We conducted heuristic evaluation instead.
Limited understanding of the real-end customer
Typically, our primary point of contact is the product manager at Changan, who represents the 'end customer'—the entity that finances our design strategy. However, this individual is not the actual consumer using the product in the marketplace. Often, we're tasked with interpreting the true needs of these consumers based on the product manager's input. I am concerned that this approach may lack the objectivity necessary to fully grasp the consumer's perspective.
No collaboration with front and back end developers
We weren't able to engage with our developers and engineers for design validation.
Thanks for Watching!